‘A French connection’ CD release’

It’s always an exciting moment when a new CD arrives on the doormat and I’m super happy that this recording, made at wonderful Champs Hill in October 2018, with greatest partners in crime Natacha, Francesco, Asia, Joël & Maja, will be officially released on February 19 🤗 My beloved Chausson Concerto, an unknown and rather beautiful sonata by Franck 🙃 and these gorgeous new Debussy arrangements by Craig White🙏 Thank you for everything Alex van Ingen, Matthew Bennett Dave Rowell and to dearest Mary & David Bowerman, this record is dedicated to you ❤️💫 Champs Hill Records – and thanks Emily Turkanik for the great photography! 🤗
Recording Osvaldo Golijov in Amsterdam
We are all still flying high after an incredibly inspiring, intense, energizing and unforgettable week with wonderful Osvaldo Golijov in…
New Years concerts in Santander
Hard to imagine a more fun and sparkly way to kick off the new year: 2 concerts with Johann Strauss…
Stift Festival Orchestra in Madrid
I’m still buzzing after a really wonderful couple of days in Madrid - one of the most enjoyable, exciting, fun,…
South Africa Tour
South Africa has been very special for me for the last 20 years, and visiting favorite en new places with…