April 3 Ukraine Benefit concert

I’m glad to announce this Benefit Concert ‘❤️for Ukraine’, on Sunday April 3 at 19.00, presented by the Stift Festival together with the Wilminktheater, in the Muziekcentrum Enschede. It is so incredibly heartwarming and touching that greatest, dearest Nino Gvetadze, Anna Fedorova, Maja Bogdanovic, Dana Zemtsov, Barbara Kozelj, Maxim Shalygin, Borys Fedorov, Hanna Shybayeva, Lilli Maijala, Mikhail Zemtsov, Olivier Thiery, Sasha Witteveen, Maryana Golovchenko,(and many others🙏) have agreed to perform, as well as the great choir Consensus Vocalis, members of PHION, the Britten Jeugd Strijkorkest, the ADAM Quartet and several young Ukrainian musicians – we are so glad that you are joining us! 🥰
The ❤️for Ukraine Orchestra will be conducted by Maxim Shalygin, and the programme will include concertos by Mozart & Chopin, and works by Strauss, Chausson, Shostakovich, Silvestrov, Tormis, Shalygin and Skoryk.
Please join us if you can for this special evening, and in any case, please donate! 🙏🙏🇺🇦❤️
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